Some of you may ask what a youth member is doing by going for her registar's license, or why I would be even granted one in the first place. The idea started long before my "spark". I had always considered pursuing it, and even came close to going for it early last summer. But, I dropped the idea as soon as it came to me. Upon fair 2006, before I had won Grand Champion Showman or Judge, or had both the Reserve in Show winners in open and 4-H, Vern Palmblad had told me to go for it, he knew I would be a good candidate for it. And so I did. I requested a application, I got my 20 signatures at the Crescent City show just two weeks later, and I sent it in. Now, that was the easy part! The hard part was GETTING me to study! I am not a person who studies for my school tests or exams and I get by with good grades, but I do not know how. So, upon winter vacation I told myself I needed to get my butt in gear. I had joined a yahoo group for others pursing the same thing I was, and I got some helpful tips on how to study. I didn't really get the nerve to study until the first of Feburary. I had gotten a Registar's Study Guide from ARBA. Now, it did not help me entirely, BUT it gave me the DESIRE to study. As I said to my examining judge, the SOP is "uncomfortable" with all that information on those breeds I don't raise or have never saw! Yet the Registrar's Study Guide is "comfortable". It's notebook size, and pretty durable. I would take mine to school with me and when I got some extra time I would take it out and study. And my best suggestion is to use the SOP and the study guide together. They work well that way. (and can find some mistakes too ;)) So I studied for a month. And I was wanting to take my test before June, but I said screw that, I am ready NOW!
I was able to take my test on April 1st. I am confident I did very well (only two questions stumped me, I got one right and the other I was completely opposite!). The oral test was rather easy. I got to give comments on a young black satin and I got to tattoo a young bkn blue satin. I was also able to get one my of Satin does bred and gaze at Roger's beautiful barn of Satins (oh I did not mention my examaning judge was Roger Hassenpflug!!!). So I am just waiting for my results to come back. Counting my chickens before they are hatched, I have 4 shows planned out. Myrtle Point 4/27-28, Canby 5/19 and Portland 5/26. All are shows I have never attended before, so it shall be nice and I am excited for them! I also have some beautiul Mini Lops that I will have my father show for me. I will post more with my test results and possibly more info on becoming a registrar.
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