An ARBA Licensed Registrar... who knows I'd ever be at this step. What do they do? They register rabbits (or cavies) according to the American Rabbit Breeders Assc. Standard of Perfection. They must obtain NO disqualifications (IE: broken toenail, white spot in colored area, abcess, missing tooth, wrong undercolor, wrong eye color.....the list goes on and on). You must examine the rabbit and if the rabbit qualifies (as long as the breeder qualifies with their card) and the pedigree is complete, you can then tattoo the rabbit with the "R" igsignia and fillout the necessary paperwork. The old fee used to be $4, as of July 1st, the price increases to $6. $3 goes to ARBA and $3 goes to the registrar. AND, a registrar can register their own rabbits if they wish.
I think I have told my story on how I went about going for my registrars license..... But basically it goes Judge Vern Palmblad told me last summer that I should go for mine, that ARBA is in need of new judges and registrars. He told me I'd be good for the job. A few weeks earlier I had actually pulled out all my info and told myself I met all the requirements, I just didn't think I could pass the test, or even be approved to take the test. I laugh at that now....
So the 1st step is to contact the ARBA. The simplest way is to call, or if you are connected to the internet you can give them an e-mail at . They are nice people there and if you explain what you want "to obtain your registrar's licence", they will send you an application ASAP. (I got mine in less than a week!). The only thing is you have to be a member of the ARBA for atleast three years.
So it has room for your personal contact info, you fill that out. You then must obtain 20 signatures of adult ARBA members. This is easiest done at a show. I got mine done before the show even started when everyone was standing around mingling. I also got to talk to some new people I had never even met, I just wanted their signature... ha ha!
They ask you dumb questions like if you are color blind..... Don't mark no... ha ha! And you have a preference to your examning judge... (I got who I asked for mine because he's our Dist. 1 director and a judge... ha ha...) You sign & send in $25. They will send you a letter ASAP. You then have 2 years to take your tests {pass}, work under three judges and one registrar. Simple right?
So then there's the test. You have to contact your examining judge when you are ready to take it. But how do you know when you are ready? When you have memorized every word and picture of the Standard of Perfection and Better Guide to Rasing Rabbits and Cavies, better yet the ARBA Yearbook?! It really sounds like a lot to learn, basically when the questions are over a broad area! There are tips to studying: use flashcards, make a booklet, take quizzes online (Pam Nock offers many on her website!), read and re-read the SOP, have your friends quiz you. Acronyms worked REALLY well for me, the funnier they are, the better. Heck, even order the "Registrar's Study Guide" created by Allen Mesick himself, with the help of Eric Stewart. I find this a good refernce to show what can be on the test. It offers a few tests, great pictures and a outline of the breed. It is really compiled well to be understandable and "friendly" (the SOP is
"unfriendly")... And for those students, you can take it out at school and it looks like a spiral notebook, don't know how many ODD looks I got pulling out my SOP (yes, I studied at school *nerd*). You can order one from ARBA They are $15 I am pretty sure I paid. Worth it if you want to pass, eh? If you want a study buddy, or more ideas on how to study, E-MAIL ME!
ilm1989@aol.comWhat are the tests? The written test is 100 multiple choice questions. They can include: standards for each breed, the registration process, the system and it's requirements, general and breed-specfic disqualifications. One really should have a good idea of what all the breeds are, (have SEEN them in person) know a few colors, know how they move, how they are posed. This will give you a better picture in your mind when you are taking your test.
Then there is the oral test. Now this can really be open ended, but basically it tests your knowledge on a few breeds (you have to TALK!) and prove that you can tattoo a rabbit. I had to give comments on a junior animal, answer some questions about the breed, and then tattoo in the RIGHT ear! (that was different!) Since my examining judge only had one breed in the barn, and I raise them myself... that wasn't all that tough. I assume it could be harder depending on who you get :)
Am I missing anything..... Oh yeah... what I just went through....
So... you pass the test (don't give me any of that, "no I won't") because you have studied!
The ARBA sends you a letter telling you how many you got right and if you passed. (You need to get atleast a 70%). If you passed, enclosed will be four sealed envelopes. 3 for the judges you work under and 1 for the sole registrar you work for. Put your name and adress on the outside of them, because whats on the inside is confidental!
So you want to work under Pork Chop, judge #xxx at a certain show. You must first contact the show superiendentant and ask permission to work under a judge. Then contact the judge and ask if they are working if anyone, if not, then ask to work under them! Usually judges are really nice and will say yes, infact some jump for joy that you have considered them! Then contact the super again and say you have permission to work under this judge. Repeat these steps for all three judges and registrar.
Working with the judges.... Come with your SOP, an apron, your hair up (if applicable) and get ready to get dirty and have a fun time. Keep a SMILE on your face, you are behind the judges table! They will have you check for DQ's (they will espeicially be watching your handling skills) and they may have you tell them what you think of the class (or animal) OR they have the option of having you comment and place classes! Open your SOP and browse through the breed standard first (it's OKAY to do that, and it looks good) Not everyone is going to remember everything and you may have never seen this breed before!!! Working under the registrar I found the easiest part. You have to observe a few be registered, then you are all on your own. Check card, pedigree, weigh animal, check animal (thoroughly) record weight on paper and check tattoo agrees with pedigree. This animal passes? Tattoo him and continue filling out the paperwork. Write neat! Have the owner proofread, sign and pay. The judge or registrar have the right to tell you if you passed or not. (2/4 told me if I did).
So you work under your judges and then what... wait for the paper to say you have completed the ness. requirements and you are now registrar #xxx. I am at that point right now. Waiting for my paperwork... geez.....
So... I had a wonderful time taking my tests and working! My examining judge was Roger Hasenpflug, I worked under Joy Ekstrom, Vern Palmblad and Randy Shumaker as judges. I worked under Registrar Meadow Gustafson. I learned a ton from each of them. I found working under the judges first was easier for me, and getting to a show where there will be plenty of rabbits to register was hard for me. I even had planned to work one show but only three people registered rabbits, so I had to work at Oregon State Convention!
So that's my speal, hope you had fun reading. :)