Thursday, May 12, 2016

6 months?

Where have 6 months gone? I mean I KNOW I have been busy... but still.

Convention was excellent. A long two weeks of hard work, sweat, tears.... My rabbits did well, the best I fared was a 5th place, but I had a lot of solid placements and good comments. I also manged to sell quite a bit as well.

Red Bluff -- I sent stock down with Heather and Andrea. NBD was BOB in 2 of the shows.

Judged Gridley with Ted. I showed Rock Steady and he was 2nd, still maturing.

St Helens. I drove up and just exhibited. I won the 3rd show with Rock Steady.

Astoria - I judged... I don't even think I exhibited? haha.

Pear Blossom - I just entered. I won both shows with Rock Steady and BOSB in B with Mikah.

Reno/WCC/Mini Lop Nationals. I did well. Had 3 3r'ds in the National. I also won BOB in C with Rock Steady and several other nice placements. I judged on Sunday.

Right now I'm getting ready for Canby and Oregon State. Those will be the only shows until September. So a nice break of just feeding and growing out rabbits. I guess. We'll see how it goes.

Pretty much all I do is work. I got my garden started last weekend, thanks to Michael.... so kind of excited about that.

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